‘Connections’ by stephanie roberts


a sneeze is also a sign of arousal
– the devil’s foothold in a cold.

are you the answer to my dreams?
sunrise is a nightmare to the sunburned.

i feel like i have always loved you
– what a fool says.

close is our safest distance
– the medicine for silent indecency.

even when i lived next door,
i was never the girl next door.

i’ve fallen with my nose in the butter
– a lucky thing.

there is no mama bear chair in november;
inside is the only outside i can endure.

spell check changes hijab into human,
angringon to angry gringo – angling meal.

a gobble of turkeys watch the train
where I – like god – eat a turkey sandwich.

eagles fly high lazy loops of

cormorants race through the air as
furrowed brows.

men rule the world because women have
to keep brushing the hair out of our eyes.

i feel powerfully powerless once my hair
strokes my shoulders.

From issue #5: autumn/winter 2017

About the Author
Born in Central America, stephanie roberts resides in Québec, Canada. Her latest poetry collection is rushes from the river disappointment (McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020). Her poetry has appeared in Crannóg Magazine, Verse Daily, L’Éphémère Review, and The Poetry Annals. A 2018 Pushcart Prize and Best of the Net nominee, her work has recently been translated into Farsi.


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