Submissions for issue 20 (autumn/winter 2025) will be open from 1-31 March 2025. This issue will be guest-edited by Clara Kumagai with a speculative fiction theme (more info)
Submission Guidelines
Banshee welcomes submissions from both Irish and international writers of any background, including first-time writers. We welcome work from members of groups or communities typically under-represented within literature, whether or not the work addresses this.
All submissions should be previously unpublished.
Our guideline word count for stories and essays is max 5000 words. Flash fiction should be under 1000 words, poems no more than 40 lines.
We are happy to read: one story or one essay or two flashes or up to four poems. Please only submit in one category per submissions period.
Submissions should be in one .doc or .docx attachment. Prose submissions should be double-spaced.
Please include a third-person bio (max 50 words) in the body of your email. If you are sending a prose submission, please note the word count of the piece in the body of the email.
Email to subs dot bansheelit at gmail dot com, indicating the category of your submission in the subject line (e.g. Flash/Story/Essay/Poetry).
We are happy to consider simultaneous submissions, but ask that you notify us as soon as your work is accepted elsewhere.
Please note that we cannot offer feedback on unsuccessful submissions.
We believe in paying writers. We can offer contributors a small fee as well as a copy of the journal.