‘Despondency’ by Attracta Fahy

arrived as an unwelcome visitor,
a hungry heron, unsure of prey.
A dark cloud filled the air.
At first glance I could not see
its slate eyes penetrate,
empty places. Sound,

a vibration, like a crow
cawing before rain.
This time, I welcome its company,
unlike when shutting it out.
We spoke, I listened, chatted
about necessary loss, the things

I loved,
pictures, trips, that china cup
and him, the importance of
grief in letting go.
Peace moved in. After,
we made tea, dunked biscuits.

This dark cloak, my friend,
its pockets, brimmed with wisdom.

From issue #6: spring/summer 2018

About the Author
Attracta Fahy’s background is nursing and social care. She works in private practice as a humanistic and integrative psychotherapist/supervisor, also facilitating group workshop/training. She lives in Co. Galway, and completed her MA in Writing NUIG in 2017. She is a mother supporting her three children through college.


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