Gold Light Shining by Bebe Ashley: the next book from Banshee Press


Cover design by Anna Morrison

We’re delighted to announce the second book from Banshee Press (and our first poetry title): Gold Light Shining by Bebe Ashley.

In her debut collection of poetry, Bebe Ashley spins gold from the detritus of the internet. A landscape often depicted as a wasteland is illuminated in poems that explore celebrity, obsession, sexuality, coming of age, and that charismatic enigma, Harry Styles. Gold Light Shining introduces an essential new voice; one that captures how pop culture’s Technicolor joy disrupts our greyscale world.

Bebe Ashley’s work has appeared in Banshee, Poetry Birmingham Literary Journal, Poetry Ireland Review, Modern Poetry in Translation, Poetry Jukebox and The Tangerine. She is an AHRC-funded PhD candidate at the Seamus Heaney Centre for Poetry. She lives in Belfast.

Gold Light Shining will be released on 22 October 2020, and is available for pre-order.


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