‘Honourable Mention’ by Elizabeth O’Connell-Thompson

In the middle of the story, when somebody puts down
their foamed-over glass to ask, ‘Wait, who is this again?’
and you blink twice between

Oh, you don’t know her,
The one that got away,
The one who let me go,
A wide spot in the road,

and a long sigh before continuing,
I will wake with ringing ears,
listening for my name.

From issue #1: autumn/winter 2015

About the Author
Elizabeth O’Connell-Thompson was born on the Passaic, raised on the Navesink, and crossed the Atlantic to study words at Trinity College Dublin. Her work has been featured in Icarus, Harts & Minds, and RHINO, among others. To send feedback as she gets used to life on Lake Michigan, contact her at EOTwrites.com.


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