Introducing issue #11 (spring/summer 2021)

We’re delighted to reveal the cover for our spring/summer 2021 issue! View the exciting contents and pre-order here.

Issue #11 features:

Fiction by Alice Ash, Katie Curran, Louise Hegarty, Naomi Ishiguro, Rebecca Ivory, Lauren-Shannon Jones, Claire Kieffer, Sue Rainsford and Jamie Stedmond

Flash fiction by Grace Gageby, Marie Gethins, Joanne Hayden and Shauna O’Brien

Non-fiction by Nuala O’Connor, Ed O’Loughlin, James Conor Patterson and Jessica Traynor

Poetry by Dylan Brennan, Luke Brennan, Emily Cooper, Bernie Crawford, John Davies, Jaydn DeWald, Kristian Doyle, Susanna Galbraith, Kevin Graham, Rosanna Hildyard, Zach Hively, Liz Houchin, Alicia Byrne Keane, Ting Lin, Tim MacGabhann, Mícheál McCann, Linda McKenna, Jess McKinney, Devon Miller-Duggan, Kate Quigley, Oliver Sedano-Jones, Michael Naghten Shanks, David Toms, Mark Ward, Alice Wickenden and Milena Williamson


‘Hatching’ by David Kitchel


‘Eat / Eat / Eat’ by Emma Devlin