‘Invitation Only’ by Elizabeth O’Connell-Thompson

When they come knocking,
I take them by the hand that had been a fist moments before
and show them something beautiful –
                                                          a black creek in the woods,
                                                          a doe’s skull in the field.
I lead them just far enough away that they can still see the house,
but not say if it is made of straw or stone.

While they are dipping their feet in the water
or watching how the sun sets on bone, I walk back
to bolt the door and light a fire,
holding myself as they had offered to do.

From issue #2: spring/summer 2016

About the Author
Elizabeth O’Connell-Thompson is the Literary Coordinator for the Chicago Publishers’ Resource Center, where she moderates the Wasted Pages Writing Workshop series. Her writing has been featured in Banshee, RHINO, and The Wax Paper, among others. She is just delighted to be here, and can be reached at EOTwrites.com.


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