Join us in Dublin and Belfast to celebrate the publication of Let’s Dance

Let’s Dance, the brilliant new collection of stories by Lucy Sweeney Byrne, will be published next week! To celebrate the release, we are holding two launches – one in Dublin, one in Belfast – and hope that you can join us to raise a glass to this brilliant book.

If you’re Dublin-based, please join us on Thursday 10 October at 6pm in Books Upstairs to hear Lucy read, with an introduction by Rob Doyle.

The following week, we will be launching in No Alibis, Belfast on Thursday 17 October at 6pm, where Lucy will be introduced by Alexander Poots (booking required).

Finally, you can catch Lucy at the Cork Short Story Festival on Wednesday 16 October, where she will read alongside Mary O’Donnell.

All are welcome – we look forward to seeing you there!


‘In the Shadow of the Trees’ by Catherine Dunne


Dylan Brennan’s Let the Dead longlisted for the Laurel Prize