‘Overcast’ by stephanie roberts

you’ve tasted the soup
of scorched onion and potato
that set your teeth on edge
but you’ve not met that loss
that permanently skews
the jaw
grief that plants
sunset in the eye forever
remember the high-spirited mum
with a quick and rainbow smile
whose daughter died at nine
many decades ago
she carries that weather
like an open umbrella
bills got paid
lovers found
and lost found
and lost and lost
but it stayed
it stays
a reason for it makes you believe
in god
it makes you hate it
– your belief.

From issue #6: spring/summer 2018

About the Author
stephanie roberts has had work featured in numerous periodicals including Arcturus, The Stockholm Review of Literature, Burning House Press, OCCULUM and The Maine Review. A finalist in Eyewear Publishing’s 7th Fortnight Contest and the Anomalous Press Open Reading, she counts her strengths as passionate curiosity and good humour.


Happy publication day to In Her Jaws by Rosamund Taylor!


‘The First Casualty of Summer’ by Emily Cooper