Update re: issue #10

Dear readers & friends,

As you may have seen on our social media channels, we have unfortunately had to postpone the release of issue #10. We were due to launch the issue this month, but because of the current crisis, the closure of bookshops, and potential delays in postal services worldwide, we would have trouble getting the issue to you, our readers.

We plan instead to publish a bumper edition in September, at a time when we can hopefully hold launch events, ensure that the issue is stocked by our bookshop partners, and the postal system will be under less strain. September 2020 will also be the five-year anniversary of Banshee’s first issue, giving us extra reason to celebrate.

All subscriptions have been rolled forward. We have also been able to pay our issue #10 contributors in full, as originally scheduled. As always, we’re grateful for the support of the Arts Council of Ireland. 

In lieu of a spring issue, we will be posting some original new work on our website in the coming weeks, which we hope you’ll enjoy reading – watch this space. 

On a personal level, we hope you’re all keeping well in these surreal times. We’re so grateful to you all for supporting Banshee. Issue #10 is full of fantastic new work worth waiting for, and we look forward to sharing it with you in September.

All the best,
Laura, Claire & Eimear


‘Penguin Watching On Redbill Beach’ by Stephanie Conn


‘Night on the Lash’ by Therese Cox