What Not to Say (to your ex) by Victoria Kennefick

You will find me much changed.
I still have that roll around my waist.
You never knew what to call it (like it needed a name)
but used to poke, marvel at its oddness.
I would call it porridgey, a smaller bowl now.

My bra measurements have dropped
you may have noticed, clothes fit better.
My ass is still huge (                                            )
I do have ‘the curve’ where you used to rest your arm.
It undulates more; it’s had a lot of traffic.

I’ll never forget how embarrassed you were
by my gypsy tops that summer, but in fairness
you sported a brace of wife-beaters.
We all wear answers that fall a little short.
(God, we were such bastards.)

From issue #1: autumn/winter 2015

About the Author
Victoria Kennefick’s debut poetry pamphlet, White Whale (Southword Editions 2015), won the Munster Literature Centre Fool for Poetry Chapbook Competition 2014 and the Saboteur Award for Best Poetry Pamphlet 2015. Her work has appeared in Poetry, The Stinging Fly and New Irish Writing, and she is a recipient of the Arts Council Next Generation Award.Follow her @VKennefick.


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