Join us in Dublin, Cork & Waterford to celebrate the publication of Pacemaker by David Toms

The release of Pacemaker by David Toms is just around the corner, and we are holding three events to help launch this wonderful book into the world.

If you’re Dublin-based, please join us on Tuesday 20 September at 6pm in Hodges Figgis to hear David read, introduced by acclaimed novelist Olivia Fitzsimons.

Our next stop is in Cork on Thursday 22 September, where the brilliant poet Ellen Dillon will introduce David in Waterstones at 6.30pm.

Finally, we’re in David’s hometown of Waterford on Friday 23 September, where we will celebrate Culture Night by launching Pacemaker at The Book Centre at 6.30pm.

All are welcome – we look forward to seeing you there!


‘Peeling: Creme Egg’ by Colin Dardis


‘Darling’ by Patrick Chapman